Yes, I started this blog one month ago! Tryin’ to reach the Preem fan and keep him up te date with a blog that is alive. This month I have send this blog probably one message a day if it isn’t more but we all know that won’t stay for ever. But I will still try though! First I wanted to know how DJ Premier felt about this blog, it’s no fun to start a fan blog if the artist is pitty about it. But yesterday I got the answer, he was impressed. Well, a reason more to stay kicking! Second I wanted to know if this blog got visitors, well, believe me, it has. I’m happy I reached eventually more people then I tought, I reached this month 4915 unique people.
The peronal reason I started this blog (that I always wanted to do) is because it was learning vacation here in Belgium, but my technique is learn non stop one/two weeks before it exam and then you will have the same result. So I had much spare time! That was the same period 3 years ago when I put the DJ Premier Trackology online.

(The second picture is more important for me)
(289 people average/day)