DJ Premier Blog » Blog Archive » That’s all folks! No more samples!

That’s all folks! No more samples!

I have to inform all of you that their won’t be any more new founded samples posted on this blog. Due to request by the man himself who off course also visits this site. Preems manager mailed me about the danger of posting samples. Some samples I posted seem to be not cleared. Even when I’m still asking myself the question about the threat of sample posts on this blog if you know that 2,500 hits a day is much for my site. When you have great sites like who has 20,000 hits a day and posting more samples (of Premo) then I can post in a year. Plus they posting full mixtapes of DJ Premier that I use to pay for. And yet, they manage to interview DJ Premier… It’s time that I request my Premo interview lol. And big up to Kevin Nottingham who still does he thing. And respect to DJ Premier, or else I wouldn’t delete the sample posts. Respect the master… So no more samples here. Another thing to the “real diggers”, I’m glad you have your office job at the government to earn a lot of bucks where you can dig all day with. All my money still goes to 90s hip-hop and it’s expensive enough, so stop whining about it. All you whiners are older then me… says enough. Thanks for the support to all the people who visit my site and give me feedback!! And to DJ Premier, if you read my sample posts, you knew it wasn’t to snitch you. It was just a random other post to show the crazyness in you, but I know you don’t need that to be told over and over.


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