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Nick Javas – Opportunity Knocks MUSIC VIDEO

MTVU Premiere! Here’s the youtube link… Premier once said he wanted to release all the videos for the project at the same time, it looks like this is what he means. Go support “Get Used To Us”, soon on CD/DVD!

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19 Responses to “Nick Javas – Opportunity Knocks MUSIC VIDEO”

  • Comment from jay crofton

    Nick javas is a very shitty rapper

    -plain and simple

  • Comment from drop the knowlexx

    word, I dont like him…
    same goes with khaleel, I dunno why preem just cant stick to blaq poet.
    I aint hatin, thats just my opinion

  • Comment from Hot Line 666

    well.. Premo is on the indie level.
    he has a background, and now he does what he wants.
    he deliver dope beats, cuts, and new talents to the fans.
    Jayz, Nas, Biggie.. was the same, no comparing don’t act ignorant.

    I see people complaining like… why Premo don’t collab with Sean Price, or whatever(some other nice artists on the scene).

    Well, those guys already have a crew, a background,support of fans, and shit.

    I Believe that Primo on the indie level also support new talents and legends that he believes cant contribute to the shape of the classic hip hop in the age we are now for example the L.A. connexion (maylay and Mc Eith).

    C’mon Nas with those wack beats he’ve being choosing doens’t need Premo.

    Jay-z also with those wack salsa type of beats doens’t need Premo.

    Ludacris at least felt that he could pay homage to hip hop singing in a Premo track.

    Think about that.

  • Comment from mike g

    i like it. i didnt like nick javas at first AT ALL. hated him on that NYGz Legendary track…but now hes growing on me.

    i especially like that hes dressed up like a nerd. fuck yeah. he does well with word play especially when its intricate – that second verse is great in the video.

    hes not a fake either so that always sits well with me. maybe if he rips up the mic more like he did in that second verse ill be more of a fan.


  • Comment from Hot Line 666

    Gotta tell it also.

    While VADO imitates DRAKE vocals and some others imitate JAY-Z, even the screams lol….

    Nick Javas is doing him, he is straight original.
    And for real?

    All that bullshit people try to say about Eminem?
    C’mon!!! that fucking anoying moskito voice he’s got over wack ass not even funky or soulfull beats he sings over…
    Nick Javas is tottaly OK. Sounding original over beats that you have to sweat blood to find the same samples, to build.

    Nick Javas is an original white hip hop artist. Not a product invented by MEDIA in order to hypnotize people. Like that unfuckingtalented Eminem, even Drake has a talent….

  • Comment from Rasty

    Sorry, but I don’t feel his rhymes & flow

  • Comment from nOF

    What’s stupid with this is Nick Javas coming to Premier without a demo/material.

  • Comment from Mufro

    Wow, everyone’s hating Nick Javas?

    I think he’s dope, fuck the haters.

  • Comment from yoyo

    His lyrics is dope, but his flow is kinda corny sometimes. Stretching a pitching a little too much. His second verse here is the best I’ve heard from him I think. Continue like that!!

  • Comment from Bone


    Is Pepsi offering you any deals with big name rappers and paying you, and flying you all over the US to shoot commercials for the most watched sport in the country? Doubt it…cause your punk ass would not have time to log on to a computer and hate??

    The Answer: NO, Plain & Simple.

  • Comment from Thunder O

    don´t get me wrong, but Nick “the anchorman” Javas seems to me just like a gimmick…

  • Comment from DATAZ

    mmmmmh, try harder….

  • Comment from DJ Guttah

    Dope beat. Okay rhymes. Music video is okay.

    Overall it’s great. The music video could’ve been better though IMO. Some of the camera angles are kinda corny, like at the end when Premo says “year round for life ya heard” why is he turned to the side like that? He should look way more serious. Fold his arms together in his usual stance before he says “better not.” Look like you mean it.

    Idk. I’m a strong critic of music videos and music in general.

    For Nick Javas:

    His first verse could’ve been A LOT better, although due to the music video and the scratches that kind of “condone” his wack rhymes, it probably fits. His second verse is way better, although IMO his voice can still use a lot of work. In order to be a rapper you gotta have the voice. Guru (rip) said it best. “If your voice ain’t dope, then ya need to [chill].” Some of the stuff in his 3rd verse, like when he says “on what do Jay do BRACELET” I don’t get wtf he’s saying, maybe it’s just my lack of ability to comprehend.

    And as usual, Preem never disappoints me with a few acceptions. Drums are always on point, they always sound gritty and nasty, and the sample is on point 98% of the time. Everything Premo makes usually ends up being a classic.

    Good luck to Nick Javas, I hope he does well with one of the greatest producers of all time. I am awaiting “Destination Unknown” I hope to see some dope rhymes and beats on their. Hopefully there’s at least one hardcore, dark Premo beat on their with some raw lyrics since those are my favorite kinds of songs. Peace

  • Comment from Zach

    @ Thunder O: ahahahaa….”anchorman” couldn´t think of a better name. It’s true!!! There are thousand of hungry MC’s who would love to work with Premo….can’t see no fire in Nick’s heart!!

  • Comment from AMAru

    @ DJ Guttah
    I agree with you, the first verse was supposed to be corny, and as far as the video is concerned, the “not a game” video was better imo. but this one is dope tho.
    correct me if I’m wrong, I remember premo sayin’ that he made a dark gutter track for nick javas, on which joe budden will be featured, so I guess this will be sumthin for you 🙂
    besides that I’m lookin’ forward to the “doomsday” track which features roycde da 59, this one’s should be dope too…

  • Comment from Hot Line 666

    i thought the quality of the video was intentional.
    but.. i was watching.. and.. there are some real amateur shots and camera angle.
    what the deal with the filming????
    i mean they were awesome with blaq poet – aint nutting changed.
    can somebody answer me about that? peace!
    is that on mtv?? really? damn..
    the video not a game is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better.

  • Comment from Rhyging

    Love the way Nick spits and love the video.
    Do your thing Preem!

  • Comment from Piniger

    until this day i thought every mc is hot on a primo beat, guess i´m wrong……………. 🙁

  • Comment from Bone

    Yo DJ Guttah….I’m not sure either about the What would J do bracelet,,,,

    But if I had to guess it has something to do with the WWJD (What would Jesus Do) bracelts that religious groups give out. Maybe a comparing Jay Z, in the rap game, to god.

    I could be totally off though my friend.

    Just Sayin.

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