DJ Premier Moving To Kaufman Astoria Studios in Queens
New update in regarding the closing of legendary D&D/HeadQCouterz Studios. DJ Premier found a new producer home, Kaufman Astoria Studios. What can I say about this company, it’s an big ass company located in Queens. It’s a film and music studio that has the only blacklot in NYC, so it’s that big! It already exists since the late 20’s and through the years movies like Goodfellas & Carlito’s Way were filmed over there but mostly television shows like Judge Judy, The Cosby Show, Sesame Street, …
He will join the new studio in 2015. Looks very clean, very very clean, and modern. No more vending machines with blunts in it
R.I.P. D&D Studios (1984 – 2014)
DJ Premier Writing A Book About Gang Starr with Harry Allen
Here are some of the best part’s of DJ Premier’s AMA on Reddit:
Q: Premier, any truth to the rumors that you produced a song for Tupac Shakur while he was signed to Death Row Records?
A: I never Produced with 2Pac but I have a song for whenever I need to use it on Acapella. One day It will come out when I put a beat to it.
Q: Can you touch on what caused the split between yourself and Jeru? His music has never been the same without you.
A: He and I are totally fine. We split over a business decision. We are gonna work this year on some new stuff.
Q: Eh Prem! Why dont rap producers remix ish anymore? What can we do to bring the remix back?
A: Word Right? I’ve done a few for Sam Smith and I did a Disclosure Remix for “Latch”….We will be dropping some PRhyme Remixes with special guests.
Q: Also, for Preme – what is the status of the other collaborations you are said to have in the works – especially the one with Pete Rock which I have been looking forward to for YEARS.
A: we are doing a single in January to start the project. He is producing half of it and I am doing the other half.
Q: Are you still working on Christina Aguilera’s new album? If so, what can you tell us about the tracks?
A: I just sent her some new tracks. I don’t know what she is going to use yet. We will soon see. She’s about to get married so I know that is her focus right now.
Q: Is it true that Ed Sheeran came to work with you due to Christina Aguileraa Back to Basics? Why didn’t your tracks make his album
A: I worked with Ed Sheeran last year on a song called “The Manor”. It is still coming out.
Q: Are you still using MPCs, or have you upgraded to modern hardware? How do you think your production has changed over the years?
oh, one more thing, will you start producing MOP albums again?
A: I am using the MPC Renaissance. It is pretty much the same ad the 60 except it is equipped with more sample time and capable of using Plug Ins from outboard gear that i still use from the 90’s.
As for M.O.P. I am on the upcoming LP. I did 5 so far. They have an EP out now but that was just to stall while they finish recording the album. They wanted to save mine for that instead.
Q: I wanted to ask were there any artists that you wanted a feature from on the album but weren’t able to get in time?
A: Black Thought of the ROOTS but we are getting him on the “Wishin” REMIX. His manager had just died so he was not in the mood to write and record. More Remixes coming and a 3 song Deluxe Bonus cuts coming
Q: Preem!
Huge fan of your work, love all of your shit all the way from No More Mr Nice Guy up until PHryme, you are probably my all time favorite producer and I don’t think that will ever change.
That being said, why you gotta break my heart all the time. You announce some amazing projects like your collabs with people like Nas, KRS One & Pete Rock but then we never hear anymore. I know the Nas project is held up by label shit but what about you and KRS or Pete? Would love to hear some info on this.
A: the NAS LP you are correct. He has to finish his commitments to Def Jam first. As for KRS, we did 3 songs and then he went on tour. Haven’t heard from him since, but that’s what KRS does so when the time is right it will happen. As for Pete Rock, we both had other commitments that had to come first so that is just how our industry goes. Don’t count them out though….I still continue to put music out if you are really keeping up with me.
Q: you ever consider writing a book? Hip hop history stories would be dope especially stories about Big L(RIP) and other greats
A: I am doing a book with Harry Allen helping me on it. I also want to do a proper Gang Starr Book. Stay Tuned
Q: Ayo Preemo, when are you gonna produce for K-Rino? He’s so dope but needs better production.
A: K-Rino is on the new NYGz LP. Their LP will finally get a release date in January. The song he did with us is called “Introduction To Manhood” along with Lil Fame of M.O.P….K-Rino got busy on it. He and I talked about doing an album.